There are many reasons that can cause them as too much tiredness, bad food, poor sleep, excessive consumption of alcohol, stress, crying and many others.
In your intention to remove these signs of aging you must be looking good home remedy for black circles and puffy eyes. Natural remedies are safe way in treating which can’t damage on your skin.
Natural Remedies – Effective Way to Hide Puffy Dark Circles
Here some home anti aging tips that can help you to solve this problem:
● Drink enough liquids in the day. They needn’t be wrong drinks as carbonated drinks or artificially sweetened drinks. It is enough to drink 2-3 liters in day. Don’t allow to dehydrate your body. In such conditions body begins storing up water that can makes your eye to be puffy.
● Avoid salted food. Consuming too much salt in the body initiates fluid retention. In your regular nutrition use products that contain vitamins A, C, E which stimulate blood circulation with that have reduced dark under eyes.
● Every night before going to bed massage area with almond oil. This improves blood circulation. While you make massage with almond oil be careful to not touch your eyes.
● Relax and give enough rest on your body. Sleep at least 8 hours at night. Sleep on back with elevated head to enable better circulation and to prevent liquids to collect around eyes.
● Always before going to bed gentle remove make-up to prevent irritation and allergies on eyelids that can be caused in the night.
● For cure on your dark circles can use some of these home made under eye creams.
Swollen eyes usually notice in the morning and reduce or disappear after a little bit of time. Their appearing is not constantly. Swelling under eyes appears sometimes and is not needful surgery for their removing. It is enough to put cold pack on eyelids 10-15 minutes.
● Cucumber and potato can be great home remedy. Cut them on slices and put in refrigerator to cold. Put two slices cucumber or two clean cold slices potato on your eye lids 15-20 minutes.
● Always keep some tea bags in refrigerator so that they remain moist and chilled. All that you need to make is to take tea bags of refrigerator and to put on eye lids 10 minutes.
Stay on you to decide which of these home remedies will be effective to get rid of dark circles and puffy eyes.